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Forgetting : Hardest part in moving on

"Forgetting is the hardest part in moving on for it's impossible it's just your illusion."

We once love,care,left and broken. It's not only for a person who've been in a relationship but to anybody who once loved somebody. It's not a sign of giving up but a sign of true love for yourself and for the other person as well. But first of all why you want to move on ? Maybe other will say,"because it will hurting me so bad already","I want to forget", I want to be free" and so on. I'm pretty sure that you are in this website because of two reason first you want to know if the title is true or just curious itself.

So it once said that there's 5 steps or stage in moving on. 1. Denial (This is when you still believe the fact that it's not all over.) 2. Anger (This is the time when you become so angry to that someone for leaving or betraying you.) 3. Bargaining (This when you promise to be a better person or whatever if he will some back.) 4. Depression (This is when most of the time you want to be alone, when you cry all night and so on) 5. Acceptance (Finally , the time we all waiting for. For you to accept everything.)

Many people stock at step 3-4 for somehow the hope are still there, they still love them. We all know that this process will take a long time for other people. Forgetting is the hardest part in moving on for it's impossible it's just your illusion. Why? Because first of all you once love that someone and enjoy each other's company and build so many memories and plans and hope for your future. It's a memory of the heart. It's really impossible to forget it unless you got an amnesia. Don't ever think that you can't live without him/her, that's a pure lie, because you already survived your life right before he/she came. The thing is it will be hard for you to stop doing the things you are used to when you're still together. It's a matter of adjustment. Everything that happens have its reason and lesson to give, so know what's yours. The process of getting over to that someone doesn't depend on me , to your friends, to your family or to anybody but in you. It's okay to cry but don't dwell on it. You still have your life. You still have a group of people who are still there and always be their through your up's and downs. Cheer up! It's not yet the end , it's only the beginning. NO MORE WORDS TO SAY, FOR IT'S YOUR TIME TO SAY, "I CAN DO THIS."

God Bless <3

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